
A large number of Scientists, technologist and professionals are in contact with ECSI since several years. In order to and provide a forum to the electrochemists to keep abreast of new developments and solve electrochemistry challenges, members deliberate and collaborate to come up with feasible solutions. This forum will address various technical problems related to electroplating, metal finishing, powder coating, and chemical analysis and environmental issues. All such units are encouraged to become members of ECSI. The members will be able to enjoy all the benefits, the professional society can offer such as access to library, consultancy, reduced registration fees for refresher courses, etc. The industries can also nominate their staff as a liaison officer.

Become a Member/Fellow

1. Honorary Fellow

Honorary Fellows are nominated by the Governing Council. By virtue of qualifications or services or contributions to the electrochemical profession or study or trade, the Governing Council may nominate any candidate as an Honorary Fellow. They are normally exempt from the routine membership fees as prescribed in the rules. At no time shall the number of Honorary Fellows exceed ten.

2. Fellow

The Fellow should have attained such an eminence in the opinion to the Council for the distinction of fellowship. On the recommendation of two existing fellows, the Council write the candidate for Fellowship and Confers the distinction on him.

  1. Should not be less than 30 years of age.
  2. Should be engaged in the profession or research. If a candidate is engaged as a Professional Teacher or a Guide in electrochemistry at an Institution or a College or Technological Institution recognised by the Council, the candidate may be regarded as employed in the field of electrochemistry.
  3. Shall either be a member of the Society at least for 3 years or shall have fulfilled the conditions necessary for being admitted as a member or shall posess a Bachelor of Science or Engineering Degree and shall have had at least 10 years experience in a responsible position.

3. Member

Candidates seeking admission to the Society as a Member or seeking transfer from Student Membership shall produce evidence satisfactory to the Council as required hereunder.

  1. Should not be less than 22 years of age.
  2. Should be engaged in the electrochemistry profession or research. If a candidate is engaged as a Professional Teacher or a Guide of electrochemistry at an Institution or a College or Technological Institution recognised by the Council, the candidate may be regarded as employed in the field of electrochemistry.
  3. Shall have passed the examination recognised by the Council for the purpose of membership or such other qualifying examination the Society may conduct. The candidate shall have at least three year’s experience in Electrochemistry / Chemistry of which at least one year may have been as an apprentice or at post graduate study in an Organisation or Research Institution or College recognised by the Council. Or shall possess a minimum of 5 years experiance in the field of electrochemistry / chemistry to the satisfaction of the Council.

4. Student Member

Candidates seeking admission to the Society as a Student Member shall produce evidence satisfactory to the Council as required here under.

  1. Should not be less than 20 years and not more than 25 years of age.
  2. Bonafide Students of Science / Engineering at bachelor / Master / Doctor Level, preferably in Electrochemistry / Chemistry and Allied subjects as to Qualify for The Electrochemical / Chemical / Metallurgical profession.